We are joining with churches across the city to give away the gospel of Luke to every household in Newcastle. Focussing on the area near to our church or mission areas, we'll be doing this throughout the year. Find out more in our promo video!

The Harvest Church Vision

Our style of church is based on the discipleship and mentoring model Jesus shows us in the New Testament, and we've found this best enacted by the G12 Vision. 

We reckon this way of doing church means that no-one gets overlooked and everyone has a chance to live the life God planned for them—together and to the fullest.

That's why we often talk about the real life of the church being in the city groups. In that smaller setting relationships  can be built with leaders that care deeply about you and your family and can help you grow in your faith.

When Pastors Clive and Sally first visited the G12 church in Bogota they encountered God's heart for people and brought home that same passion and a new vision for our own city of Newcastle that continues to burn inside our hearts.

They regularly meet with the UK G12 team and with Pastors Cesar and Claudia in Bogota.